Why did Jesus Die early  if He was God The Fathers Only Begotten Son?
Jamie would say, "It depends on your Paradigm; your PERSPECTIVE."
Dear Father John,

I hope you realise why i said Jesus did not die for rejects to reconcile them to God so they too can die, but in peace, and reconciliation so they are no longer rejects- only pertaining to God the Father?. (Rejects were actually the "healed" 9 lepers?). It depends on attitude AND being healed as to what Jesus can do with you after that.

People think Jesus dying could mean believing in Him changes nothing. However his ministry means nothing if he coupled dying with his teachings which prove that he indeed saves people to have a useful life as a Policeman. If him dying makes people feel it makes no difference to a person circumstantially, then why would anyone want to acknowledge Jesus as Lord? The Bible is linked to the Supernatural, and if you believe Jesus died to have to break the power of Sin in someone who believes in that death was meant to help them individually and personally. It seems odd if Jesus would die, only to give someone a clean conscious or as an example of what would happen to them. (to die?). This puts people off, from appreciating Jesus death for themselves in case they think that means welcoming their own funeral if they acknowledge Jesus themselves, having been finally fully reconciled in their conscience. This is a Paradigm many people think is what it means.  It is clear from the Bible that Jesus death was necessary for supernatural reasons to help the person believing in it to have sin’s power broken in their life enabling them to live a life where they can then follow Jesus’’ teachings. It also makes you Jesus' Brother, and a Son of The Father!  Romans 8 .29  Hebrews 2 . 10 KJV

Anyone who thinks Jesus died to allow rejects due to die,  to die in peace would definitely not admit to worshipping and serving Jesus as Lord themselves and shy away from believing a Policeman should follow His teachings in case he would be placed in that category. Jesus definitely died to SAVE unfortunate people or people born in unfortunate circumstances and His death was required, to do this; not just his example. Are Roman Catholic Worshippers and praisers of Jesus, taking His Holy Communion, all sentenced to death? Jesus died to make people follow His teachings and ENABLE them by dying TO SUPERNATURALLY BREAK THE POWER OF SIN IN THEM; NOT FOR SENTIMENTAL REASONS, FOR PRACTICAL REASONS FOR SYNERGISING WITH THIS LIFE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND MORALS.
Obedience to Jesus' teachings about the Bible can only be to affect others. This is in response to appreciating
why Jesus needed to die for you. There is no point going this far with Jesus and taking communion, if it means you are on the way out.
People like this are the salt of the earth; and are asked to challenge people to follow the Bible from appreciating Jesus, not be fertilizer for daisies. Everyone should value that Jesus died to make them better- not so they die in peace, affecting and challenging no-one. It is only those who appreciate Jesus' death for them, who can be a treasure to others and change the world. It separates the sheep from the Goats. If Jesus' death is not appreciated, one is a goat, and these people are better suited to push up daisies than those who are grateful for Jesus. At least God the Father of Jesus would think so! If you are ALIVE - you can affect people! AND Worship God at home and in Church.

IF YOU WATCH "COMEDY AT THE APOLLO THEATRE" LONDON, you will know there is only one correct way to interpret something. Including the Bible, which happens to be facetious. You need to be an Apollo Theatre Goer Standard person, to be able to do this (understand maturity though employing "faceciosity".) Ask the Comedians allowed to perform there! I don't know if they realise they are the ones potentially best-equipt to interpret the Bible due to realising the maturity and intelligence of being facetious rather than clinical, like the commenteries are.
Knowing what God wants, is only appreciated by a few, and it is redundant if everyone wrongly assumes they want those self-same, dead. R.I.P.
Be honest, have you noticed this?
Facetious Comedians!
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