When Is A Door Not A Door?
..... When It's A Jar (Ajar).

When are the Police NOT Police?
When they are so busy doing the job of the Police and being overly interested in the law, they are infact NO LONGER POLICEMEN!!!

Being a Policeman is not a job, it is being a certain type of person, and the less interested you are in doing the job of what the Police do, the better the Policeman is at it and tends to be. This is because making the law into being a job or an interest actually creates an imbalance, so the law is no longer simply respected for why it is there and exists in the first place.
Laws are meant to serve people to make life fair. People are not meant to be serving laws like it is the most important vocation. Some Police presence gets the focus put on the law (rather than why it is there) far too strongly. Also BBC and Sky News is far too much biased towards stories about people breaking the law rather than why the law is there. It makes people unbalanced watching and reporting so much of this type of TV in your life.
Understanding why the law is there is what matters rather than all the time seeking to uphold it by focusing on it all the time like it is a job or a function that needs doing. A LOT OF PEOPLE DO NOT NEED TO THINK ABOUT THE POLICE ALL THE TIME AND THE POLICE SHOULD NOT SELFISHLY THINK EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND THEM NOR AN AWARENESS OF WHAT THEY DO. THERE ARE A LOT OF IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE ADDITIONALLY THAT DO NOT REQUIRE POLICE INVOLVMENT.
Policemen who are over-zealous about their job in the grand-scheme of things are creating an imbalance in society that doesn't need to and should not be there.
A door is meant to be a door, not a jam-jar!!!
The Police should be a DOOR to fairness under the law, not a jam-jar. That is why there is the law, so people can live freely and fairly, not to be obsessed about breaking it all the time which feed a cruel man's carnal nature. (or a carnal man's cruel nature.) Not all men are cruel or particularly carnal however all men sometimes need to be angry, or else there is nothing to use to fight abuse.
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