(Or China?)
When I last visited Israel most men there didn't wear a shirt and tie, much less so than in England or America or Arab Countries.
 Also Jesus didn't wear a shirt and tie......
And sadly nowadays Women are wearing them (which is wrong)... I would say to such women "What's The Shirt and Tie got to do with you?"
Answer?  (K)NOT A LOT OR            *** A LOT!?
The shirt and tie follows the triangle which is the Chinese form.
He's not Chinese, even though he is wearing a chinese hat: (his eyes are the wrong shape and he his black collar and grin makes him look too judgemental, no wonder his shirt is yellow - he looks like a living eternal question mark - far from ideal)
No, the triangle needs to be thoroughly worn (not questioned).
To me a Chinese TRIANGLE represents the Biblical concept of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.
i.e. identifying with righteous principles.
Whether Jesus is real or not DOESN'T MATTER - it is the meaning of the concepts that are important and following correctly understood biblical principles in order to work out how to think about situations in life. This is very different than following a religion or assuming biblical roles which leads to disaster. It doesn't add up or correspond anyway. This tells you it is wrong. Monks try to look like Jesus (religion), ordinary men wearing ties are identifying more with actual most relevant biblical principles.
Men  and boys should say Jesus went to the cross to show God's love for me, So I'll wear a stiff uncomfortable but good-lookingly smart collar and tie to identify with that concept and respect the principle which is one of LOVE in order to experience it. However it's got nothing to do with religion. only principles that have meaning.
For this to work, men who wear a shirt and tie should ALWAYS wear a shirt and tie; at work, in the street, at home, on Saturdays and Sundays, in the evening, in hot and humid weather even in the summer, when the sun is at it's highest point in the sky and at it's hottest, (whence the tie should never be taken off) relaxing with friends, and even on holiday when not at the beach or swimming/sunbathing. Otherwise the point of a man wearing a shirt and tie and it's effect on the man is spoiled. It must be consistent. This is not a law but in order for the effectiveness and to work properly the man should do this. Men who like wearing a shirt and tie should definitely try and do this. Then you can say "he always dresses like that, because he likes to and he likes it. That is a shirt and tie man, not just someone dressed to go to work."
People should NOT SAY "Why aren't you wearing a shirt and tie? I'm marking you down because of it." They should say "There's a man who always wears a shirt and tie because he likes to, even though he doesn't have to." This is so that if there is anything stopping the man or getting in the way like a personal problem, or particularly difficult situation or special circumstances, other people will be understanding, just as accepting, and non-judgemental.
Remember: Je(w)sus Our Lord had NO FORM OR COMELINESS THAT WE SHOULD DESIRE HIM. (Isa 53)
It is important to wear a shirt and tie out of personal choice and desire, not because people expect/demand it, so it shouldn't be a law. Also there are those who want you to NOT WEAR A SHIRT AND TIE, and equally if you WANT TO you shouldn't listen to them and they should be told off.
Some women don't want men to wear a shirt and tie and to belong to the above. Other women try to demand men to wear a shirt and tie or they won't accept them.
If you challenge or tell-off women of the devil (gender-benders) they tell everyone you are a misogynist. Why can't this word equally apply to women who don't like men? (Note I didn't put women of the devil in quotation marks). If women are taught that Jesus wasn't desirable as a man the Queen tells us to accept Jesus as Lord because he paid for our sins. Isa 53 tells us he wasn't desirable yet he is paying for us to be healed. The Church of England teaches that he is our kind Lord and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ who has the name above all names. Do the benefits of killing Jesus outweigh the drawbacks? Including Jesus himself? And was killing him effective and effectual for all those left behind? Removing transgression and iniquity from everyone? For re-enactment of Isa 53 as Role-Play everything must correspond. Otherwise people must learn right and wrong attitudes as concepts to follow from scriptural principles that you have been taught to follow rather than going by whatever way you happen to feel at the time. The fact that Jesus wasn't desirable and is Lord and Saviour means women should accept men who they personally do not find attractive as a principle on this basis and respect them as a Lord because unattractive Jesus, the Queen calls Lord Jesus.
 It was because of Eve, that Adam had to leave the Garden Of EDEN - we should learn this priciple and work against it. i.e. learn from it.
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