It does not mean GO.
It means it is safe to go if it is safe.
It is not the opposite of RED in other words.

In my Project "Employing Mechanisms or Spiritual Laws?" (please see it)
The answer is not one or the other or both (it is not that simple)....
you need to see if a mechanism has already been put into effect before applying a lone Spiritual Law because I said a lone spiritual law applied independently can mean something different than applied as part of a mechanism. It may be that an Evil Mechanism is already in place that alters the meaning and impact of the mechanisms result depending on whether the lone Spiritual Law needs to be applied or not. If the lone spiritual law is needing to be applied when an evil mechanism incorporates this then that's fine, but if not, the spiritual law may suit the positively-sought-after result that the mechanism is going to produce but if the mechanism was evil it is taking the name of the Lord in vain if you employ that law to get the result you want which thou shalt not do. If you do, the result is as bad asĀ  if the spiritual law had not been applied when it should have. It is not enough to simply think that if a mechanism is in operation that it replaces putting into effect a spiritual law or that a lone spiritual law REPLACES a mechanism in effect regardless of the nature of the mechanism.
Don't think it's one or the other or both, it is not that simple.
A red light means STOP, but a green light is not the opposite. It means it is safe to go if it is safe. (Except in Paris where they put their foot down as soon as it's Green or else you get honked - this actually gets you and everyone else around Paris very quickly!)

In Britain because RED is followed by RED and AMBER and in Paris is followed by GREEN, it brainwashes you into thinking GREEN means GO.

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