Please go through the adjacent PROJECT entitled "Like a Puppet on a String" before looking at this project.
By Carl Jung.

Now essays relating this concept to superstition, formulated uniquely by myself.:
(By Nicholas.)  
(Copyright- do not copy this essay and publish it without my permission)
Subject: "Under the guise of false-pretense" and, "it'll all come out in the wash" I
People pretend and people lie. Some people are driven to do things, whilst others are compelled to.

I think i act more out of a sense of compulsion, rather than being driven. People who are under a sense of responsibility when they act, seem very independent,  and sometimes must-needs-be not polite to what people want (in order to be effective, against what people wrongly want) , although they are merely making a response out of principle based on their values.

The accuracy of a response made is debatable, but however is affected by maturity and as well as 'practice makes perfect'.

Not many golfers get a hole-in-one. Some under-acheive or over-react. There is a certain knack to 'getting it right' so that the result or consequences become the intention.

No immature person or person without practice gets the exact result they are aiming for, and sometimes people go more by results than intentions.

People who act from being under responsibility seem to act compulsively, yet nothing could be further from the truth.

People should not act on a whim, but always respond to things and obviously the accuracy of the result matching the intent is affected by experience, practice, maturity and possibly foresightedness.

Sometimes fate plays a part or synchronicity, (Jung), yet one must be very careful how to interpret such consequences because i do not believe in superstition - quite the opposite infact, often, an outcome shows more how something should not be, than how it is, when a consequence occurs that seems to contradict all reason. People who read the tea-leaves the way they want to, are being superstitious, but people who say "wait a minute" this is not normal, are right and the fact the outcome wasn't normal nor anticipated, just shows a deterence to being superstitious in connection to intent. What it is, is that the outcome shows just how far the intent was away from such an expected outcome due to the reasons I already states above (like practice, experience and maturity)

If someone DOES get a hole in one the first time they play golf, the sheer flook of it or superstitious synchronicity does not scream of specialness, to the obvious onlooker it would scream of "only God must be the one making a point here- because things like this just do not happen!" .... In other words the superstitious outcome is not a sign to substantiate witchcraft - rather a sign not to substantiate it. A point only, i believe, God Himself could make, and His point is "something like this does not happen" from these events, rather than the pagan superstitious view "we must have a witch here".

It actually shows more the person is NOT A WITCH who got the hole-in-one, than IS one. Someone playing golf for the first time and gets a brilliant result is not a witch at all and the true reading of the situation rather than the superstitious one, is that God is showing that that person is entirely unexpecting or incapable of such an outcome based on what was happening at the time and who that person is (rather than a superstitious view of who that person is)

Fate can sometimes show who someone isn't more than who someone is, because it is synchronicity causing it or God, rather than them, or their level of maturity or experience. Maturity points someone in the right direction but experience is what makes and allows a consequence to match it's true intent. (From that person's involvement, not the others' or God's).

Under the guise of false pretence II (it'll all come out in the wash" II)
The only thing left remaining to say after you have now digested part I is this:

Why would God or Synchronicity do such a thing and involve with someones circumstances?


This is my point. People think a witch is someone who get's unexpected unusual happenings in their practice that overrides intent and outcome based on experience, maturity and practice.
This is synchronicity. NOT the result of superstition. Note this well.

Synchronicity does not happen to substantiate witchcraft and superstitious practice, rather to DIS-substantiate it.

Why would God intervene to make a result unexpected?

It is not to prove superstition and witchcraft was involved, but rather to prove that the level of practice maturity foresightedness and anticipation was NOT sufficient to bring about such a result, meaning that the person involved is only to be regarded as good as the work effort and experience they have, that enables them to do something.

Two things are to be noted: first- a person can only produce what they are expecting to based on the work and effort they have put in to personal development.

Secondly-If synchronicity causes a different unexpected result: especially if it was against the odds, it only happens to highlight THIS point, not to infer superstitious reliance or witchcraft.

God intervening merely shows everyone that they are being superstitious about somebody's practice  as if there was no synchronicity happening, because then people could conveniently believe that it is superstition responsible for consequences in somebodies life, rather than their personal maturity and skill and level of experience- which is all somebody can be reasonably expected to use in aquiring a particular consequence outcome or result.

Synchronicity makes obvious the point that we should only expect from people, that which they really are, and can produce based on what they are like and their level of maturity and proficiency and what their personal values really are, that we should all know in a person, rather than blaming things on superstition or witchcraft.

Why does God intervene?

Merely to show us this and to treat people with the proper respect and knowing them properly, their abilities, diligence hard work maturity or lack of, in what they produce.

That is the message we are meant to get from divine intervention- not confuse it with blaming things on superstition or witchcraft or religion or whatever.
Under the guise of false-pretense III- "It'll all come out in the wash."

Finally, i felt i ought to write a very short part iii to you ,  allbeit a very short part iii.
In part I  I introduce and relate the ideas behind superstition and synchronicity.(some people confuse these two phoenomena- some, even deliberately)
In part II i covered why God or synchronicity intervenes in someones circumstances and i pointed out that it is to explain why people should not be superstitious.

Now i want, in part III to say superstition is bad because.

Because why? Because it is a vehicle witches use to control outcomes people and event's rather than letting synchronicity or God speak to people directly when it is coupled to their circumstances.

Quite often because there is so much superstition around, synchronicity or divine intervention only happens to point this out and show a fixed superstitious viewpoint is erroneous and actually pushes God out rather than verifies his authority about a superstitious happening. This is because even religion happens to be superstition and superstition is a vehicle that people use to get what they want despite what God and the laws of nature are telling them. Superstition not only controls outcomes and individuals but it also dictates to God himself what he can and cannot do or who he must or must not be, can or cannot be. This is wrong.

Synchronicity is Gods way of divinely intervening and superstitious people are human control freaks who also want to control God and others and who they are themselves.

Synchronicity on it's own coupled with a persons nature and maturity and experience, would be all that is needed to live correctly with God. Not superstition -which includes religion which is a way for humans to control other humans, circumstances and outcomes and attempts to tell God what he can and cannot do.

That is how bad superstition is, because people who use it are attempting this very thing.
Subject: A summary of what needs to be understood
If you are relying on a faith in superstition or even afraid of something happening as a result of listening to superstition, you will think that whatever happens is a result of the superstitious belief. 1) Now, if what happens is expected, you think all well and good, and continue your faith in your superstitious idea because it seems to be working for you - you believe God is looking after you because of your faith in your superstition. No problem. But there is a problem- you ignore suggestive synchronistic happenings because you believe they are enemies of what you are relying upon. This means you IGNORE synchronicity or divine intervention because you are committed to what your belief makes you think you are getting. Ignoring divine intervention and not allowing it to address what is happening and why is very unhealthy. Religion even goes so far to call interventions demonic devilish or synchronicity as anti-god occult practice.
This in essence puts the shoe on the other foot and gets you to believe superstition is good and synchronicity is dark occultic and bad. But it is the other way round because you need the divine signs to check against who you are and what you are doing and to make sure you are not using your superstitious belief as an excuse to control what happens to you or your events or even other people to suit your purposes. Those who live by practice experience skill and maturity and who try to do everything right, need SYNCHRONICITY, to check them against with God, since we should never control things over and on top of God and his endorsement on our good deeds. So what i am saying is that superstitious practice including reliance on religion pushes synchronicity and God out so He can't speak to us because we have made our God the actual superstition instead.

2) Now if what happens is unexpected, you blame the synchronicity causing that to be occultic influence or a distraction instead of asking if God is divinely intervening to show you something. Or you lose faith in your superstition and counter it by trying to be even more superstitious. You also ignore the fact of needing to take stock because if what happens is unexpected it may be down to your lack of foresightedness, practice, skill and maturity levels in what you are trying to accomplish, not the result of your faith in your superstitious belief, these of which you FAIL TO REALISE Because you are so caught up in CONTROL - trying to make your superstition work for you because you want it to, or you are doing that deliberately to try and control people or events or outcomes involving yourself.
Synchronicity does not necessarily produce results to be taken as a sign to be taken directly literally regarding yourself, that is what superstition would tell you, and I've said superstition is wrong. Synchronistic intervention and what happens, needs to be reflected from the person's situation at the time and their level of competence and maturity and any abusive influences that may be affecting them.

Summarising then, superstitious people are afraid of divine intervention or synchronicity or think it to be evil, for the reasons shown above, but fully try to increase their faith in superstition.

Synchronistic people see it as God mirroring a response to who they are and their circumstances to call everyone to correct dedusive account. Not based on the synchronistic happening, but on the person it happens to regarding.

Some people are superstitious ignorantly while others do it to control people outcomes and themselves. They say synchonicity is evil.

Synchronistic people try their best, study and mature and are introspective and always use synchronicity as a way of checking out who they really are and have become at that moment in time. They are not supposed to be superstitious at all but fully in harmony with synchronicity and regard it as God checking in with them. Something they have no control over - only who they are in maturity terms and the ease peace level or stress of the environment or situation they are in. They are not trying to control anyone or God but just respond to things as they happen. The nature of the synchronistic sign is not the important thing; the fact that it occurs is, and needs to be related to the person and their circumstances, to whom the sign has occurred. i.e. look at the whole picture, not just the sign.

Bottom line

There is no choice about this: synchronistic awarereness and heedence to is good and essential. Superstitious reliance based on controlling people or themselves or events regardless is bad and wrong. Superstitious interpretation of a synchronistic sign based on superstition, will not necessarily indicate the truth of the situation. This is why superstition is wrong and confuses people about God.

A lot of people have got these two similar concepts the wrong way round. It is not a choice. Superstitious reliance or practice is always wrong.

Both types of people believe in God, but the former try to control him and others and what they want to happen or take place. Be careful how you interpret signs, and make sure it is not the result of your being superstitious.

Nobody has ever taught me this, (all what is in this PROJECT)  it is my own reasoning; my own essay- that I wrote. I have never heard or read this before. It is the original work and theisis of Nicholas and is Copyright, but it's truths are for everyone to follow.
                      You may listen to me reading a transcript of my essays here:                                (it lasts over  20 minutes)
William Hartnell  as Dr. Who said something very dangerous and incorrect in "The Smugglers" episode (4th Episode Final Scene):  He said  "Superstition is a strange thing my dear, but sometimes it tells the truth." This is appalling: William Hartnell saying this has gone against the Commands of the Bible and has failed to understand what I am saying in this essay about Synchronicity and Superstition. As a result of Dr. Hartnell saying this in 1963 the world has gone into a state of being  totally messed up. Even Dr. Who may not think before he speaks or has not understand the points I am making in my above Essay.
William Hartnell said something totally wrong and wasn't clever enough to realise the points of my essay. He has encouraged practices against the Bible without realising the implications of what he said. 
Please look at the adjacent PROJECT  "Like a puppet on a string."                      BEFORE watching these videos:
Project Score: 7
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