Why bother? My SELF-INTEREST               is the best FOR ME.
   (You may find this interesting!....)
Now there's a thing! You've got me on that one!

Wait a minute....
It IS possible..... WITHOUT HAVING TO DO THE HOKEY-COKEY                              (You might have to do the Hokey-Cokey at first-                                                                until you can achieve it successfully)                                                                                         (I had to)

DONALD TRUMP is an example of this and is getting away with it (Successful)! And he doesn't have to do the Hokey-Cokey that much.
If you ever visit the EVANGELICAL CHURCH MOVEMENT it's like getting stuck to the Spiders' Web! They will N E V E R condone your behaviour if it contradicts their interpretation of the Bible which prevents you from being a normal person as they will turn normal people against you and isolate you from them because they believe normal people are going against the Bible and you should now know better.
It is an afront of what they are trying to do which is to restore fundamentalist church views to the world which is their form of Globalization. However they never acheive it because people are either evil or interested in self-interest both of which reasons they use to prevent you from having self-interest like everyone else because they believe it harms your walk with God through you compromising biblical fundamentalism or an evangelical viewpoint of converting people to be born-again christians and prepare for going to heaven because this life is not the most important.
It's not as though they WANT to, they just believe if you compromise their view of the Bible you are a wrong-doer and should lose your human rights as a result.
However their view of if you are SANE or not being so entrenched in scripture and church lifestyle has caused them to lose touch with how normal people think, who are often far more intelligent than they are. BUT it is the evangelicals who want to change the world and restore order through Bible Globalization being restored.
Everyone else just wants to get on with their life which they are fairly happy with as it pertains to themselves. They fail to see all normal people want this too because normal people have a different view on the Bible and also on how they view people who have transgressed or conformed to what is normal. Everyone wants the world to be better so let the church do it because they say they know more about it, just don't cause me or my circumstances any problems i.e. "Live and Let Die" mentality.
Donald Trump, a church-goer is THE best example of successfully acheiving self-interest AND Biblical Globalization because he understands how great life is as normal people understand it, not church fundamentalists yet he wants to see Globalization of Biblical Principles occur. He lives like a worldly person successfully and succeeds in not being judged or held-back by church people with their narrow views. He does not cause offense to those who interpret the Bible more narrowly than worldly-people do and has not been committed to a mental hospital for confusing people in church who can't understand his lifestyle or behaviour.
All Worldly Women say Christian men should behave as exemplararily as school-girls and not shout or swear so as to keep their mouths healthy. Donald Trump is successful and is doing Biblical Globalization and is fully active as a worldly person enjoying the world. He ignores the women who don't like him and want to control him.
It is very difficult to be like Donald Trump and succeed as church people and worldly people alike will not want you to get away with it since they think you should either be a church person or a person of the World. You can't be both they would say, however Donald Trump can and does because he has managed to avoid being misunderstood in his behaviour and attitudes. This is absolutely fantastic because Donald Trump wants to enjoy the World AND see God's values restored. He has avoided being singled-out. Very good if you happen to be Donald Trump as his life contains exactly what he wants it to, with everyones blessing. He certainly doesn't want to be bossed about by women who don't understand him nor the Bible.
Donald Trump is a fantastic example of a man who acheives individual self-interest and the common good. He is successfully able to have his cake AND eat it! 
  The common good throughout the Globe can only be kosher if it's members enjoy the freedom of having united yet INDIVIDUAL self-interest. That is why immature people need to grow up, rather than be contstantly DIRECTED by their mobile-phones or local community managers like puppets on strings due to their immaturity (yet they still need their managers' approval). Donald Trump is extremely INDIVIDUALISTIC and extreme in not letting other people tell him what to do especially women trying to dominate/control him (which is against the Bible: Adam should have never let Eve tell him what to do as he got expelled due to it. If he stood up to her she would have called him a mysogynist eventually). He does what he wants. He also wants the global common good. (Because he is mature (and also is highly interested in himself and his own life.). Good.
If the Bible is interpreted correctly, many people can be as MAD as Donald Trump and successfully enjoy life to the full and not end up in a mental-hospital with no money. The key to the success is interpreting real life in terms of the Bible correctly and not as a fundamentalist or also not as a compromiser.
When Jesus said "you must be Born Again" the question was asked "Can a man enter a 2nd time into his mothers womb and be born?" (i.e. Do the Hokey-Cokey.) The asking of this question of course to a clever person means, that's not the sort of question to be asking about this statement. The correct interpretation therefore is "You need to see things in a new way as a result of knowing Biblical Truths and Principles., in an ESOTERICAL way." That is the reason why this question was asked and is published in the Bible! So now you know what BORN AGAIN really means, it means CORRECTLY INTERPRETING LIFE THROUGH THE BIBLE and NOTHING MORE!!! Like the Queen does.
Sanely balancing self-interest and Globalization of Biblical Principles is only possible if you sanely interpret and implement the Bibles principles . i.e. interpret it correctly (esoterically); and not fundamentally and ignore opposition, which is nothing more than hot air. You will never convert everyone. Unite with the people who are right as United we stand, Divided we fall.
At the end of the day, it is a group with united and common SELF-INTEREST that is rewarding, not pleasing people who are wrong, which uses up too much time and energy. The knack is to have Globalized Biblically-correct Self-Interest that works without which requires having to do the Hokey-Cokey. Hence Globalized Self-Interest as enjoyed by Donald Trump, that still includes the correct interpretation of the Bible.  "For you shall call His name Jesus;- for He shall Save His people from their Sins"
People want self-interest and Global Unity, but non-church people wanting Biblical Self-Interest? Well it depends on how you interpret the Bible. "I delight to do your will o Lord" means most people want to do what God wants "In the latter days my law shall be written not on tablets of stone, but on their hearts!" again, most people want to do what God want's it's in their nature. The key is not mis-interpreting the messages from the Bible or you won't be inclined to do what God wants which will work against your self-interest and you will become hard-hearted in order to accomplish what it is you think you have to do. "I delight to do your will o Lord".
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