(A) The BIG PICTURE: (each Cog engages another, there is no free-wheeling)
(B) Only an isolated Element (A FREE AGENT):
(A) OPERATING MECHANISTICALLY (consider "How it affects", "What it acheives"):             "You have left me with no alternative course of action than...."
(B) SELECTING YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL LAW:(consider "How it works")             "If I let go of this teacup, the law of gravity says it will fall to the floor."
(A) even includes genuinely being nice or showing emotional love only being allowed when under the constraint of the appropriate mechanism "THOU SHALT..."(see adj project on commandments - thou shat not what and why). It also includes saying what's needed even though you know it will offend people.
But only when there is no alternative course of action needed to be taken. This is called "Engaging the Cogs" or "Putting the Cogs in Gear". This causes the motor to turn. Also if you DO engage the Cogs, turning your own Cog in one direction turns adjacent Cogs in different directions which also depends on which way you turn yours. This is inevitable and may not be desirable by you - the drawbacks of operating mechanistically.
(B) This allows you to be in control of the situation and choosing your favorite dynamic which should work like the law of gravity.
This is called owning a Magic Wand that gives you the power to be in control and waving it to selfishly get what you want. This does not acheive the required result as it fails to engage the cogs even if the cup drops to the floor. It only creates an illusion as it is non-cooperative (to what's actually needed). The Cog revolves in perpetuity but is not connected to the others and therefore does nothing to assist driving the engine as it is not part of life's machine.  It is a sterile state of being in-limbo or in orbit and causes frustration and is of no effect or benefit in life apart from being convenient to those wanting to isolate it. You might as well be non-existent. This dis-locates you from the world and being a worthwhile part of life or the human race and is why the EVANGELICAL interpretation of the Bible is so harmful as it removes all of the benefits available in living a real life, full to the Brim of all of Gods Gifts and Provisions and Responsibilities where you can help your fellow man to run the machine, making your gifts and talents effective in so doing by having all the Cogs engaged. The result is that the World gets messed up. As all the Cogs are meant to be engaged in the engine so the World uses everybody to make it work and yield it's bountiful supply to all. Evangelical people are doing something wrong by interpreting the Bible this way as they force it on others who do not believe it robbing them of lifes opportunities and provisions and how you can use your gifts and talents in a Godly way, to fit in and be a part of the machine.
To get the Engine Running the Cogs need to be engaged, this is using the Bible ESOTERICALLY . Choosing your favorite Physical Law will create an effect but will not engage the Cogs and will not run the engine, though it may be more popular (as these type of people have to belong somewhere), this is EVANGELICAL.

For more on this, please consider the previous project "Her Majesty The Queen Is Esoteric, not Evangelical."
Spiritual and Physical Laws only work if they operate as part of the correct mechanism and are APPROPRIATE when engaging the Cogs.
You have to be selfless when engaging the Cogs and turning yours in a particular direction. You are being mechanistic or ESOTERIC. Choosing and applying your favorite chosen spiritual or physical law without engaging the Cogs is SELFISH and you are being EVANGELICAL. (making people think the spiritual law you are using provides the answer, this keeps people wrong.)
A lovely Spiritual Law as part of an evil mechanism is a contradiction in terms: "Thou shalt not take the NAME of the Lord Thy God in vain."
The Queen retains her perogative to be esoterically correct even when her church leaders operate mechanisms that dishonour Jesus Christ. Because she is the head of the Church, she has the final say.
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