Not every single verse in the bible is bad, as with any novel, it contains heights of marvelous human expression, it is just the context and implications of those verses that are so erroneous and harmful. The bible is evil, but not every sentence in it is. It is possible an anti-semite wrote the bible to Jews (the people of Judea) to be Xenophobic against them as a form of racist anti-semitism out of envy for their relationship/authority with God. The bible may not have been written by Israel. Or if it was, it was written to reveal and expose anti-God PAGANISM.
e.g. Take the verse in the bible "The Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
This verse SOUNDS good and inspiring, but it is dangerously wrong. Just look at the way the world is here in 2016. (and getting worse). 
What it should say is "The Earth OUGHT to be filled (i.e.the onus being on us to try to acheive this) with a knowledge of the Justice of GOD (based on God's care for humans) really to the extent that the sea covers the earths expanse."
The bible sounds good but it says evil things: the good things that do not happen by themselves or even with the help of mere believers neither. (Who think they are right and claim benefits as being God's gift to the world.)
No, the bible is subtle, clever and evil, it does more harm than good.
The bible says homosexuality is a sin and homosexuals should be killed. The bible says Jesus is God and forgives people for wrongs they do. The bible tells people to do very dangerous things and causes people to get ensnared or into danger if they follow it. The bible is full of things that end up twisting people. If God wrote the bible, then God is evil.
The christian atonement is a lie. People should not do wrong, and if they do, they need to pay for it, not Jesus. That is why christians are so nasty uncaring and irresponsible, because they believe Jesus has paid for their wrongs.
Also a lot of what the bible says is wrong is not wrong, like eating shellfish.
Is there much of a difference between playing cards, and going to church?
Yes. There is a big difference.
Attending a card playing group you are relying on chance and probability. You are drawing cards where you might get a hand of 4 aces or a hand of only court cards, or no court cards. You may roll a dice and get a 1 and your opponent rules a 6 or you might roll 3 sixes in a row. This is synchronicity. Also when playing the game, how you respond will affect your accomplishments, not only random chance. Many people find this exciting. You will also be in a room in close proximity to many others just like in church.
WHAT YOU WON'T BE DOING IS BELIEVING IN YOUR CARDS TO MAKE YOU RIGHT WITH GOD - the reason for going is not to believe your cards are there to solve your wrongs, unlike why people rely on church.
So a card playing group does not guarantee you an ultimate solution to all your problems like people who rely on religious superstition think.
There are a lot of the same factors plus better ones in a card group than in a church but you are not relying on going there to give you a religion out of it excusing you of your wrongs and bad things in your life.
This is why so many christians are mean and nasty because they believe by going to church and believing in what it stands for- the atonement, they have a pass to be however they want, because all that matters is their faith in something they believe let's them off having to be more correct. Churches bad points cancel out it's good points whereas a card playing group has only good and helpful features within it where God can speak with synchronicity (see adjacent PROJECT) and people can observe each-others human functionality and hold each others' to account and help each other enjoy the game and the company.
Bottom line
Card playing is a fun game
Church tells you to believe false things that excuse you from any bad points in your life. They also tell you the religion/superstition is true, and that homosexuality is wrong.
I am claiming that religion is a form of superstition, and that superstition is wrong as it interferes with your correct thought responses towards God.
Project Score: Effectiveness: 9/10 Ethical Score: 0/10
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