Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world
Adore His sacred name.

Led on their way
By this triumphant sign,
The hosts of God
In conquering ranks combine.

Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world
Adore His sacred name.

Each newborn servant
Of the Crucified
Bears on the brow
The seal of Him who died.

Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world
Adore His sacred name.

O Lord, once lifted
On the glorious tree,
As Thou hast promised
Draw the world to Thee.

Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world
Adore His sacred name.

So shall our song
Of triumph ever be:
Praise to the Crucified
For victory.

Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim,
Till all the world
Adore His sacred name...
Don't Interpret Jesus' Life and Death by choosing your own Paradigm that suits you, but is inaccurate and contradicts the Bible's teaching about it.
Following The Westminster Catechism is not God's Will.
Everything that happens is not God's Will. Learning from the Bible, balanced and what applies to be able to have the Good News, The Gospel, is God's Will.
How do you know that? The Bible should nowhere contradict your perspective in anything it says about a situation. The Bible must be INTERPRETED correctly or you could make it say or justify anything. The Bible is deliberately Facetious, just like intelligent comedians of the modern day. Once you know that, you can read it!
Pope Francis, Head Of The Catholic Church 2021

Old Saint Paul's Church, Jeffrey Street,  Edinburgh
Bible-Believing Men should want to always wear a shirt and tie.
Church goes with Shirt.
Not everyone agreees. It makes some people VERY VERY CROSS!

And now for something Facetious!!:-
'Lift High "The Cross"'
(As Father John McLuckie advises & prescribes! - "Yes Minister!")
Father's Wisdom.

Minnie The Minx - The Beano circ. 1970
High Enough?
The Bible is not just for having a holy huddle or a hymn, it is reality! That is why the Bible is Facetious as well as being Holy.
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