I have said that the people of the United Kingdom are all members of the Royal Family; albeit lower members. Nevertheless they are all Royal Members and members of the British FAMILY at that. Notwithstanding, we do not expect our family to play games with us by putting on an act all the time to test our reactions, we expect them to act in Public just like they are members of our family - heart to heart. I told the Edinburgh Tram Conductor this, that all he needed to be was everyone on the trams uncle, not someone with a notepad noting down how all the different and difficult actors on the tram are reacting to each others' acting.
But what about the Royals themselves? Well apart from having each other for their family they also have all the Kings and Queens of the entire World for them to enjoy being family with. It's a small world, after all!
We know this is true due to the Queen having invited so many people from all around the World to become British Citizens and part of Her Royal Family.
And what about those who were born here, born into the Queen's Kingdom, well they have to take pride in being part of the UK and not let the side down? Who compromises over issues that divide? Certainly not the Queen. If subjects are at odds with the Royal Values it is the subjects that have to change because the Queen's Royal Standards are consistent with Global Standards and Ethics that come out of Eretz Isra-el. A few British Hooligans will not call the Tune. The Royals will.
May God give strength to the British Police to make it so and not come down to the will of those minority-British-majorities who won't follow the Queen. Remember the Queen loves the same standards found throughout the Big Wide World, not privilegizing Toxteth.
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