You have to know, if you believe in the Bible and like shirts and ties and discipline and smart men, because you have to know if you are sinful or not or compromising or ignoring it or covering it up or if you actually regard this attraction as RIGHTEOUS and/or GODLY. You HAVE to know because it will practically affect your life every day and you need to reconcile your conscience. Especially if you follow the Bible and believe not to ever Sin. Some men sin every day and do not care. I myself try to NEVER Sin. In any case, I do not believe in anything after you die, or any "resurrection". The point being that Sin ruins your righteous character and relationships with people and with God in this life.
Being righteous on the other hand, enhances your quality of how you live your life and what you experience.
My Video will fully explain it to you.
Genesis 19 . 1 - 10
In the Book Of Revelation, Honour is given, Worship, Respect and Praise.
Instead of telling a man he has a sinful nature for a homosexual attraction to a shirt and tie, he should be highly regarded and esteemed for wearing such a structural and pleasant device asĀ  a structural collar and tie every single day. It should make him admired, and respected, not criticised, or regarded as sinful, even if he does it with an orientation towards maleness that includes his sexuality.
If he does go too far and masturbate or shaft another man, this is then a Sin.
The Bible is true. Him wearing this for enhancing maleness is not a Sin. It is highly respect-worthy. It requires a high level of discipline to dress like this everyday and not get carried away or stop doing it.
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