What do I mean by RAISE?
Here is an example of Interpreting a scripture from the Bible in an Evangelical way or in an Esoteric way.
"If the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, then He that raised Jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you."
Evangelical: (If you receive the Spirit you will live again after your death and have external Spiritual Power (like electricity), to heal people in this life)
Jesus came back to life on the 3rd day by the Holy Spirit entering into Jesus mortal body and raising Him from the dead. That Spirit is so powerful, like electricity, that it will make you tingle all over, giving you the gift of healing and eventually when you die raise you from the dead too like Jesus.
Esoteric: (If you're all about being like Jesus was  in the world, i.e. Bring Him Back) (Do you have the kind of Spirit (i.e. Are you the kind of person) that wants to bring Jesus back from the dead to still affect the world the same way today by you being motivated by what He stood for? If so, your so wanting will be approved of by God.  God will grant you favor and approval and your spirit will find empowerment. You will do things that bring Jesus back from the dead to the modern world. By being like Him, by referring to Him, by doing things that help other people have a revelation of Him, and by showing others that they should do the same. It is by having a positive revelation of what Jesus did that changes people - not a spiritual rebirth, or a spiritual law operating, like Evangelicals prosthelytize (preach).
In a world where people don't have a revelation of what Jesus was all about, or lose their focus for living, if you follow His example and conform to it: "that's the Spirit!" Bringing Jesus back to the world by following Him making His ways alive again in the world will be empowering spiritually in your life, making you different and better than other people. You are LIVING and CELEBRATING your life. It gives you qualities beyond your own natural strength and determination to do things like wearing a shirt and tie, having discipline and punishment, telling the truth, doing right, not caring what others who are wrong think, showing love and just generally being different because you have taken Jesus as your example and made Him alive again in a world that doesn't recognise Him. He who raised Jesus from the dead? YOU DID and THAT'S THE SPIRIT! It will quicken your mortal body. You will have power to go to the gym, to wear a collar and tie for 18 hours a day even in hot weather, to accept discipline and being caned. To be able to punish other people who deserve it without feeling uncomfortable about it. To be just as happy to tell people they've failed as telling them they've passed. To be sensitive about correcting people but not reluctant to do so.  To tell people off who will hate you for doing so. To have courage not to follow the rules but be able to do whatever's needed. To be mechanistic about finding long-term solutions rather than following a formula that might not help the Big Picture - i.e. to do what's needed rather than a preferential choice affected by your emotions. Or your wanting to be successful which you mightn't be. (You will be mis-understood)
THAT'S THE SPIRIT. The Spirit that Jesus had, who you are bringing back to the world. N.B. GOD WILL HELP YOU. Not just your own Spirit.
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