I believe the CHINESE conceptualized Fellowship, not the Christian church, which distorted and twisted it's meaning according to their own convenience. Still, the 12 disciples were all men. The Chinese were around long before the Bible was written. That doesn't mean though the Bible is not the Word Of God, which was written at just the right time on the World Stage. And what is the purpose of the Bible? Simply to ensure everyone has the chance at having a fair and full life full of all the God-Given opportunities that can become a reality in a persons life - so you don't miss out due to being abused or abusing others. The Bible is there so men can fulfil their lives with all the things that living on this planet provides. The trouble is, most Christians are hyppocrites and go against the teachings of the Bible. Or twist it to suit themselves. No Bible, and people can do whatever they want, right or wrong. Everyone in this world has the right to have their lives judged and made fair by the Bible. It is the ruler of the Countries' responsibility to ensure people are governed by the Bibles principles and advantages with no exceptions (includes everybody - and every advantage). The Bible applies to everyone. It is not a book about how to go to heaven, it is a book to enable it's followers (following the correct interpretation - not an evangelical one) how to have heaven on earth. We have no license to believe in any afterlife because we know all creatures of our God and King must face death, bringing to an end all the good things that are possible to experience in life while living. God is the God of the living and as such provides us with a world full of opportunities- albeit with a limited time span to experience them. That is why we need eternal life - in order to make the most of what we are offered in life. Life can be of an eternal magnitude until it ends. I do not deny an afterlife, I simply say we have no right to believe one exists based on fact. The facts tell us from physics, there isn't, which is probably correct. THUS THE IMPORTANCE OF CHINESE FELLOWSHIP.
(Jesus gives us life of an eternal magnitude so we can fully enjoy this life, not to give us a license to believe in life after death. Jesus triumphing over the grave is a principle of our attitude towards death, not a license to believe in going to heaven and this life not mattering as much as any unproven afterlife, since we all still die and have to face it. Eternal Life is something to do with our attitude to living, not a license eliminating death or proving anything better than this life afterwards.)
FELLOWSHIP was conceptualized to the whole world by CHINESE MEN. Chinese men represent FELLOWSHIP in this world more than anybody else. Israeli Soldier Boys are pretty good at it too. Fellowship. 奖学金  אחווה
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