Guys, Get drunk on consistently wearing this! (and even removing alcohol!):
This seems obvious: there's no point wearing something as radical as this if you are not going to consciously think about wearing it all the time. Men are meant to be radical even though they are just "easy guys". This dress is just as much as for "easy guys" to get used to wearing consistently as rote-guys. Because this is not an easy thing to wear well. If you don't "get drunk" on it, then it's not worth bothering. It should be a strict satisfying and righteous experience, one that is maintained regularly every single day.
You can't argue, it looks right, doesn't it. This young man should dress like this all the time. Then he will be disciplined, not just good-looking.
Normal every day wear for young guys!:
Go and get yourself this:
And when you open your wardrobe, this is all that a man should see there:
Your disciplined approach: Simple, plain, smart, a wardrobe containing the weeks shirts (7, not 5)
If there's nothing but shirts, you can wear nothing but shirts                                                   (and definately also ties)! Throw your casual clothes away.                                                They insult this wardrobe.
Isn't that too regimented and boring? Yes good. You will be regimented and boring from now on. It is good for you to be like this (all the time).
You can tell the difference between men who wear suits shirts and ties regularly than those who don't. I think it shows as the man who wears a shirt and tie everyday looks molded and disciplined by it:
I might be wrong, but I think these men dress like this a lot because it has altered how their faces look due to regularly wearing it, getting used to it and liking it. They become under shirt-and-tie control. It is a purifying purging. They look like it is their uniform, and a very conservative one at that. Like, what they are living for.  They indeed look Drunk and Orderly. (Drunk on smartness and having discipline, of the highest Order.)
Now do men like this sleep? Yes. It is alright to take your shirt and tie off only for the purpose of going to bed. Late night chores and relaxing should still be done properly dressed in a shirt and tie, but when it comes to bedtime, the shirt and tie is taken off but the man always still stays in and maintains  a smart mode mindset. His bedtime t-shirt is only to give him a sense of contrast during which time he can wet his appetite for putting the shirt and tie on again first thing in the morning and relish doing so, looking forward to it. Wearing a t-shirt for bed is not an escape to a casual mode, but only to rest enough to prime and energize and prepare himself in contemplating putting a shirt and tie on again as soon as he gets up. Even though he puts a t-shirt on, his focus is still on the shirt and tie during the night, and looking forward to wearing it freshly and the act of getting dressed. The t-shirt is to rest and unwind, not a holiday from being a shirt and tie man. The man must purposefully maintain this mindset and see the t-shirt as a preparation for the next days imbument of his normal daily smart attire. He is a total 24 hour 7 days a week,  shirt and tie fanatic. 24 hour shirt and tie continuity is required.
How any man can wear a uniform to feel really good as a man!
(wearing the same clothes - a Great Universal)
This man acting in NCIS varies his clothes a lot, however I think this man would be better off dressing regimented like this: a uniform: same suit same shirt same tie, every day. Collar always the same (like the one he's wearing here, with the top button done up and always the same tie, like the tie he's wearing here, except here his tie knot isn't snug enough under the collar) - this would REALLY REALLY suit this actor and the consistency would do him a world of good, this is my opinion). 
7am - 11pm 7 days a week, collar never loosened and always the same.
Other men who would suit dressing exactly the same everyday:
This man is wearing a tie that he could wear every day as part of the same uniform. So long as he wears it every day with the same style of shirt, and always tie and collar done up. The point is to look the same every day and be disciplined about it.
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