Ingredients to remove the saltiness or the sauce from a dish.
Adding these types of ingredients to a dish with an overwhelming sauce-content or salinity will render the dish backwards towards it's plain or basic state REVEALING what's actually in it.
Jesus said if Salt loses it's saltiness the product is only fit to be thrown out. Jesus had no form or comeliness or beauty that we should desire Him, the Gospel Accounts about what he stood for being removed from our appreciation of Jesus, led to him literally being thrown-out. The Gospel Accounts  are separate and show what He stood for.
Isaiah 53 

1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
Revelation is realizing something meaningful about what already exists - the base ingredients.or facts
Divination is trying to evangelically employ a Spiritual Law as if by magic to find out something new that is completely hidden in a situation to make something spiritual happen. See The Resurrection accounts.
Divination is forbidden in the Bible. Revelation and discernment                                   is highly-sought-after.
Tarot Cards can be used for Revelation a lot more accurately than trying to use them for Divination as each cards' meaning is just thematic or keyword-oriented. It's almost impossible to divine things- BUT YOU SHOULD ALWAYS ATTEMPT USING THEM FOR REVELATION NOT DIVINATION.

It seems Nicholas' first visits to his local village Evangelical Church became the Straw That Broke The Camels Back. Or has almost. What I failed to appreciate was the DISTINCTION between the Historical Jesus who was Crucified and the Biblical Esoterical non-litteral litterary account of Him. It is fundamental for this distinction to remain in place as Evangelicals who take the spiritual laws in the Bible litterally with their associated events MERGE the two and the meaning is lost. The Royal Family though retain the true meaning and appreciation of Historical Jesus who died on a cross 2000 years ago (and didn't literally come back to life again). They DISSOCIATE Historical Jesus from the litterary Gospel Accounts. (That Evangelicals try to use and refer to to get you to invoke the appropriate Spiritual Law like for example believing in the death and resurrection for the forgiveness of Sins so you won't go to hell, but go to heaven instead.)
The power of Jesus Christ changing somebody's life is a matter of REVELATION about who Jesus was and what he did and means, rather than a DIVINATION or operating of SPIRITUAL LAWS to receive life after death or heaven instead of hell by trying to MAKE THESE LAWS HAPPEN IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM BY FAITH USING DIVINATION TO FIND THE HIDDEN INGREDIENTS. This is how I was wrongly taught from childhood (when I didn't know what Sin was due to not having life-experience of human nature) and (sincerely) wrongly believed.
One needs to STRIP-BACK an over-seasoned Bible to the basic ingredients removing the Salt and Seasoning so the actual meaning of what Jesus did and who He was, transforms a person, not through the divination and application of a spiritual law, but though a revelation of gratitude and appreciation that transforms a person. i.e. saying truthfully Jesus is My Lord. Seeing concepts as esoterical elements to apply to life in context and seeing only the facts as fact.

De-sauciation ingredients to facilitate this include
Realising that Death means Death.
Not taking The Ressurection litterally.
Dissociating the Esoterical Bible from the Facts about Jesus.
Only using Bible Verses to illustrate principles in life rather than underlining them as facts or Spiritual Laws. Spiritual Laws are only SEASONING for a facts meaning.
De-saucification can bring sobriety to men by removing the esoteric seasonings of life stripping it down to the bare minimum. INCREASING REVELATION ABOUT JESUS.
This can be done using ingedients such as The Shirt and Tie, The Cane, A cold shower, being gay if you are, rote-learning and memorisation. Regular routines. One hour of homework every night for your son. Silence. Going to bed at a certain time. Hanging 7 white shirts neatly in the boys wardrobe along with 7 ties, and grey trousers, no jeans. which makes him know he is to be disciplined and regimented about his dress, relentlessly. Being punished for things like having your top button undone, your tie-knot not being symmetrical or sufficiently tight, shirt tails hanging out. Not drinking alcohol for extended periods in life. Weight-training. Shops closing on Sundays. Not going to church like it's a club. Not associating with loose-women or controlling women who tell men to "follow the rules". Note it is WOMEN who criticise men for not following the rules. This is not right for men to be dominated by women. Jesus wasn't.
Understanding about death, Illnesses suffering and healing. Bland food, No Sugar, Appreciating Kindness Respect and Good Manners. Telling rude people off. Shouting at disrespectful people, Sympathizing with people with set-backs and disabilities. Buying Tarot Cards and finding-out the limited extent in how they can be used rather than believing you can tell fortunes with them. Not telling lies. Banning people from lying about after-death experiences and mediums.
These are not rules, they are ingredients that increase REVELATION about Jesus.
If everyone does it, society will change.
It was not de-salination of the Spiritual Laws that became the Straw that Broke the Camels Back in the world, it was the over-reliace on wanting Spiritual Laws to work as if by magic, by reading them in an EVANGELICAL way in Nicholas' case rather than by APPLYING them in an esoterical way, simply as seasoning. And by believing in or trying to, THE RESURRECTION AND UNNATURAL PRINCIPLES WITHOUT ANY NATURAL AFFINITY BEING PRESENT. e.g. like trying to be attracted to girls. Willingly accepting Punishment or Correction when the environment is non-condusive to it. It shouldn't be about domination or control, but on how you feel. Allowing women to dominate men or treat me as a girl. Trying to think supersitious spiritual laws were the goal rather than relying on synchronicity and spiritual intervention, which Evangelicals called OCCULT and said was wrong.
Ingredients of DISSOCIATION which helps as a result from Viewing the Bible not dissociated from the Historical Jesus Christ.
Dis-sociate ingredients make you an Associate!
A member of Jesus' disciples club. Not an Evangelical Club of Spiritual Laws.
These boys are too salty, that's why they need very very hard regular beatings - to remind them of Jesus. (I think they weren't caned thoroughly enough back then to appreciate Jesus)
It's Not Enough
It's not enough to wear a shirt and tie.....
It depends how you wear it.
It's not enough to weild a cane......
It depends on how you weild it
(4) good indicators for men: 1)getting a hard on, 2)A feeling of satisfaction in your stomach. 3)Finding it attractive 4)ascertaining how effective it is
Once people have a REVELATION of what Jesus was like, they can then become like Jesus themselves. The Spirit does not do this, they have to do it (as it is a question of  that persons will). Becoming and being like Jesus is what life is all about. Jesus was many things to many different people and Jesus liked men (males). Women in 2019 HATE this.
And at the end of it all.....
Dis-sauciate ingedients will help reveal to you the real Historical Jesus without all the Evangelical Sauce getting in the way, stripping things back to the basics allowing you to see Jesus in terms of Isaiah 53 AND AT THE SAME TIME make you more attractive in this world so you don't end up as undesirable and rejected as Jesus was in needing to become the  Saviour by fulfilling the conditions. There was only one perfect Jesus Christ.
Once you have dissociated the Esoterical Bible from the Historical Jesus Christ, using these dissociation ingredients and been healed,  you can re-associate the Bible again, this time with a better understanding of what Jesus was all about, in order to be like Him.
Prince Harry and Meghan Sparkle!
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