There are 2 recordings (plus a voice one in the middle) to choose between when viewing this photographic project; one at the beginning and one at the end of the photographs, however I suggest you don't listen to them both at once. You can listen to the voice over the music recordings if you want.

I suggest this one first, it's in French. (translations below)
(il y en a plesieurs d'eux  de l'esplanade de la plage)                                                    (donc;..... pourquoi pas: "du plage"?)
(Elles ne sont pas de tout beaux? Non?)
(....dans un sens; definitivement)
(donc: normalment)

(25th November 2016)
This looks like the customs shed in Calais (Douane de Calais) on my first trip to France with Mme. Hatton our French teacher at primary school.
Comme un enfant aux yeux de lumiere
Qui voit passer au loin les oiseaux

Comme I’oiseau bleu survolant la terre
Nous trouverons ce monde d’amour

L'amour, c'est toi; l'amour, c'est moi
L'oiseau, c'est toi; l'enfant, c'est moi
Like a child with light in their eyes
That sees distant birds passing by
Like the blue bird flying over the earth
We shall find
this world of love.
Come L'Oisseau Bleu, come Blue Bird!
Love is you
Love is me
The bird is you
The child is me
   (olkaa hyvaa!   SHAZAM  :אם אתם רוצים להישתמש )
This is a psalm, however I don't think God needs to have mercy upon Israel. However, it is a very nice song and having mercy is more like helping the helpless. (like feeding a baby or caring for someone who's ill or been stressed-out) (or just helping somebody out who needs help)
Not that Israel is helpless, however how many people actively try to cooperate with Israel and want to, from their hearts?
Project Score 10/10
By the way, do you like the idea of twin-towns?
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