When I went to the King's Centre Church in Aldershot, they were guilty of DECEPTION, PLAYING GAMES and JIGGERY POKERY,
they prodded you poked you made fun of you and played games with you- not very nice people.
I've since heard, it's been closed down, good. I know people like this have to belong somewhere, even if, just to keep them all together and contain them rather than letting them run loose, but they gave Jesus a BAD NAME and they knew at the time that I 100% believed them. (Not very nice people.) They were hardly being the way Jesus would have wanted.
Like the above scrabble board shows they were playing a game and mixing the truth with lies. I don't think the above Scrabble Board saying "Jesus Saves" shows anything of what that is supposed to mean. It makes it cheap. They seem to forget: Jesus lost His life to validate His message. What a bunch of Jokers. And they let the people of the World around them misunderstand their members turning them against each other causing absolute chaos. They did absolutely nothing to integrate the people they converted into society or to help them sort out their lives after becoming religious. They were effectively being EXTINGUISHERS. (Either actively or passively, I don't know, you would have to ask them.) THEY WERE THE ONES WHO DECIDED WHO WAS ALLOWED TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE IN JESUS AND WHO DIDN’T and they did this by polluting the facts with a lot of jiggery-pokery which would confuse a person so much so that they were never able to understand Jesus. Using pollution and perversion designed to prevent people they didn’t like for valuing what Jesus did. So if God wanted to give Jesus to somebody and they didn’t they sought to prevent this and not allow that person any human rights effectively sticking 2 fingers up at the meaning of Jesus’ death.
The first time I went there I thought this is like "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures" in Psalm 23, that we sang at Primary School. I thought this is so nice, I want to join this!
The following is not a picture of it's actual members within the King's Centre Building but it shows what it was like there every week for the 8 years or so that        I attended. There was one good point. It got me interested in The Bible...however they mis-interpretted it, effectively brainwashing me as I wasn't used                         to seeing people having it interpretted in a more general or open way. What I mean is, a more sacrosanct way.
Why have I made this Project? Is it just to complain or to start a fight? No, it is to show that I do not recognise the authority of Evangelical Christians nor their leaders and company managers.
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