What Westminster represents WILL BE REFLECTED BACK UPON THE UK (like a permanent TATTOO) because "what goes around comes around" and that can NEVER be erased. It lasts FOREVER. Michael Heseltine understands.
Michael Heseltine says a Jeremy Corbyn government would be less damaging for Britain than Brexit
The ex-deputy prime minister warned that remain-backing Tory voters could still desert Theresa May
Today 06/06/2018 Prime Minister May apprehended a questioner Marc Franceois who was honoring ex-servicemen and veterans saying "We don't just call our ex-servicemen heroes; they ARE Heroes" she said. (by selecting this statement to quote as a response when she stood up to reply, she seemingly criticized Francois' implication by quoting him out of context (this quoted statement actually was NOT a potted-summary of his overall message) and dis-respected him yet failed to be  acknowledging what Marc respected which was obvious by his overall message.) In other words she responded by referencing Marc Franceois completely incorrectly intentionally by criticizing him for something that he was not only not guilty of but doing the complete opposite. May was trying to change what Franceois had meant. Or to cast doubt on the integrity of what he meant. She was CLEVERLY (in words) agreeing with Franceois but DELIBERATELY IMPLYING that she was CORRECTING HIM...  You don't correct someone or add to what they've said if nothing further needs to be said. Silly Woman. Prime Minister May doesn't just CALL for Brexit, she IS Brexit! AND she is subtle!

Do you know what I think? I think Theresa May wants Brexit just so she can stick a middle finger up (or at least give a look of disdain) at the Customs Union                   To turn Brits against it. She wants "The Black Cliffs of Dover"
Jean-Claude Junker, President of the European Commission (access to the Customs Union; invites Britain to join the Single Market, by paying him a subscription)
What we need is "Brexit Psychiatrist..."
Theresa May knows Britain and the BBC haven't got a clue what Brexit will really mean. It's nothing more than a joke, a whim or a fancy, however Theresa May knows Brexit will DESTROY the integrity of Britain forever. She is already succeeding and well on the way, by how she has brainwashed all the British men to be allergic to me when I have the right values, just because I have a very slight/mild disabilty (she treats me without having human rights because of, which she shouldn't as it isn't necessary to). This has messed up all these mens soundness and maturity in how they regard me. They have become affected in their soundness towards one of their British Brothers who they have never even met.  This is against God/Anti-God. The British Public and the BBC think Brexit is only a novelty or a joke. Look at what I mean:

Yes that's the Point :" Find out what it'll mean for you, with BBC News" - it won't mean anything, and that is the point! That is what is so utterly destructive about it, because it SHOULD mean something, because to God it does.
Customs that should award the British Kingdom with Prestigiosity and morality:
(The White Cliffs of Dover, Buckingham Palace and GREAT Britain) (watch this, by Nicholas Born in Britain's London):-
What I have said about districts in my talk should provoke thought about the value of the SINGLE MARKET. 
On the one hand, you can take the tube to any stop and district you like without restriction, however on the other hand, you will appreciate what I have said in my video talk above, being that each district is a discreet entity that is separated from another by being inherently being defined as a district
I think the tube map helps (or considering that in Edinburgh, Scotland's Capital, Fountainbridge is NOT in the same district as Tollcross even though they are next door to each other. (Fountainbridge has expert specialists and Lawyers; Tollcross has cheap shopping)- the single market COULD nullify areas of speciality and SPECIFICITY within zones.* You need a tube train to visit and recognize discreet districts that make up an area. If you were to walk, the realization may take a little longer to appreciate HOWEVER IT STILL WOULD. Thank God for the London Underground! And therefore thank God for the Customs Union, (thank God for the Underground Train: a special type of customs union!) that makes the realization of the  separation of the London Districts into separate discreet visitable areas, without restricting them
* The Single Market leads to an increase in visitabilty of it's comprising zones, with facility, cheaper prices, but even as our cities tell us by their discrete districts which are long-standing, it does not, due to the help of the Customs Union, cause districts to become unflavoured nor to disappear into the whole. Though they could lose specificity or speciality when under the jurisdiction of a Single Market. Having no Single Market would make travelling there less likely and more expensive (isolation). The benefit of the near-imminent presence of zones and the goodies they contain (and expertees from it's personnel), would effectively become extortionately priced , out of reach, and therefore lost to the UK. The UK would quickly fall apart. In a Single Market, the rich-and-poor divide is eased and solved, so long as there is in place an effective Customs Union.
Theresa May used to work for the Met apparently and she DOESN'T want corruption in the Police Force Investigated the moment it happens. ("which is what is happening at the moment" :May 06/06/2018, she said she wants to see terrorists investigated for PAST crimes, AS WELL (implying "LATER ON - disagreeing (she goofed!!!!) implicitly with Marc Franceois' request from her for a "Statute of Limitation") The beauty of a Customs Union means that it is Policed by the entire union immediately any investigations of officers needs to occur and this is carried out by the wider union rather than locally which is what would happen at the Black Cliffs of Dover eventually after BREXIT. (Eventually is what Marc Franceois doesn't want,- because there is a high risk of corruption and unfairness.) Theresa May reiterated that she doesn't want Police/Customs officers to be scrutinized for fairness, only as she calls them: "TERRORISTS". I can't see that happening or being adaquately possible, without the Customs Union. I can see innocent people however being "scapegoated" by corrupt Officers after The Black Cliffs Of Dover and being accused of being Terrorists for Financial Gain and personal influence since Britain would slowly but surely become poorer both financially and morally and isolated after leaving the European Union   leading to corruption in officers.  (They would be at advantage to be bent as such a situation facilitates this.) (i.e. after Brexit)
A lot of British people require the support of Europeans, who have a different perspective on life than British people do. Europe has very much stronger Biblical Values than a lot of the poorer folk of the UK. (Poor Scottish men walk down the street shouting/swearing or begging, (acting very derogatorily) you never get that in Europe) Europe has more comfortable housing per pound within reach of most of the population than in Britain. (except very rich housing in England, where there is relatively very little of it). It also has better weather and better holiday accommodation.
It seems Theresa May wants to keep the rich/poor divide after Brexit which will exacerbate corruption in the UK leading to more powerful citizens who can exploit the disregarded people: she intends to "go even further" and ensure many citizens receive the minimum wage, no more, "exactly that". This will set up the conditions for destroying the UK by allowing certain people to become more powerful though exploiting others, which is likely after the loss of the Customs Union.
Prime Ministers Questions 27/06/2018:
The Customs Union provides British people the opportunity to "go to arbitration" if they are suddenly becoming victims of mis-handling  in and by anyone more powerful in their own country, where the weaknesses in the character of people would lead to an inevitable banding-together of UK citizens regardless of reaching agreement in order to achieve personal survival and ties after having left the EU; going abroad to the "high moral powers" of Europe who have no vested interest, as there is the strength of the Single Market,  against corrupt powerful Brits in a poorer UK relative to countries in their Union, which surely must be seen as a safety-net for the integrity of the United Kingdom and preserving it's customs and values. Seeking the Queen she could call upon the King Of Spain in Madrid for help instead of relying solely on Theresa May or Andy Burnham in relatively poor Manchester to fight corrupt Officers- which, I can't see ever happening let alone succeeding....  The Queen would end up losing control over her country through deficiency, fear and weakness, (rather than lack of willingness) from her faithful British Subjects. What a state for her Kingdom to end up in!  The Royal Family would end up overthrown as their values from Buckingham Palace wouldn't even get past the gates... Goodbye GREAT Britain. Hello Black Cliffs Of Dover. Goodbye Customs Union Of Europe and Royal London.
A TRUE BREXIT ISOLATES, CUTS OFF AND RESTRICTS BRITAIN WHICH IS LOCATED IN A FANTASTIC REGION RENDERING THE CUSTOMS UNION VETO'D (Theresa May's look of disdain            says it all). It would lead to The Black Cliffs Of Dover.
I include this hymn for it's Customs, not it's religious beliefs. Customs are for EVERYONE. It is sung from Donald Trump's Land but I have sung it in the UK in the Church of England whose head is actually the Queen: Queen Elizabeth II. I believe she thinks also in this way (unlike evangelical fundamentalists). Christ means            " spiritually anointed and caring in life" for anyone; you don't have to be following a religion.
(I do not take the fundamentalist view about the positiveity of an after-life)

Fight the good fight with all thy might!
Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally.
Run the straight race through God’s good grace,
Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face;
Life with its way before us lies,
Christ is the path, and Christ the prize.
Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;
God's boundless mercy will provide;
Trust, and thy trusting soul shall prove
Christ is its life, and Christ its love.
Faint not nor fear, God's arms are near,
God changeth not, and thou art dear;
                                         Only believe, and thou shalt see                                                   (believe here means "trust yourself and your values")
That Christ is all in all to thee.
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