News and Politics is always about who has done what wrong, who is guilty, who wants justice on who and who has broken the law. It is always deliberate, always wilfull misdemenour and the reporters feed their viewers and themselves on this digest day in day out, no wonder it makes the general public cynical and mistrusting of their fellow man. Life should not be about this sort of thing all the time. Even on the news and in Parliament. It seems when you get a group of people together this is the way they are bent. Why not so with Koala's Puffins or Flamingoes or even dangerous animals?
The Focus in Britain is far too much on the Baubles, the Bangles and The Beads (and women wearing red all the time) that encumber one another rather than on the qualities of the people wearing them. Extreme delight is taken in the encumbrances and not on what or who they adorn. Some people in their character have become as people nothing more than baubles, bangles and beads; there really is very little of God's humanity left in them.
An Adornment is meant to be nothing more than an adornment, to illustrate the person or environment, not the sole focus or be-all-or-end-all of a situation where only the encaging negitivity is being promoted and flushing peoples' minds all the time whenever they watch news programs or politics. It is one thing to want to cleave to and imbibe working practices, mechanisms and Due Process, it is quite another, to adorn Baubles Bangles and Beads all the time to the extent nothing else matters or provides fulfillment. It is the alarming fulfillment that is sought through BB&B's  and what they represent, rather than the healthiness of those clinckers being used as a working practice. I think adherence to mechanisms of working practice do not have to focus on depressing truths and wanting retribution and revenge and seeing the law fulfilled ALL the time lusting after technical loopholes of what power may be exerted all the time. BB&B's adorn, they do not suffocate out everything else in a person. See adj. projects "Experimenting With People"  and "When is a Door Not A Door?"
When it comes to a working practice it is the subject matter I criticize for it's choice, not the craving for and adherence to wanting a sufficient working practice per say. Baubles Bangles and Beads is often the working practice in the UK, whereas in America, it is more likely Barbells Dumbbells and Deeds. See adj. project.
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