Which man looks better? Which man feels better? :-
Most men would testify to both and have a bit of both.
This is wrong and unfortunate. I explain here, why.
Man, do you focus on this:-
And this?:-
Or is wearing this, more important to you? ( and having it's discipline):-

David Blair admits to being a suit and tie guy but as this project points out, although many men ARE deep down, they don't commit to it and the way they are. David Blair is often shown NOT wearing a tie. I hope this project helps him by what I here explain, and other men like him, who deep in their heart love wearing a shirt and tie and being deep-down 100% shirt-and-tie men, choose to go with it and always wear it. Whatever the cost.
Conclusion: Men prefer being in Smart Mode and having discipline than casual mode with expensive external "toys". Smart mode is incompatible with casual mode and needs to be the only mode for men to be in and to focus on.
IN FACT, IT IS DISRESPECTFUL TO SMART MODE TO FLUCTUATE BY EVER GOING INTO CASUAL MODE AS IT DISRUPTS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF SMART MODE: TO ALWAYS WEAR A SHIRT AND TIE. A SHIRT AND TIE ONLY FULFILLS IT'S PURPOSE IF A MAN WEARS IT CONSISTENTLY ALL THE TIME OTHERWISE THE CONCEPT OF IT IS TARNISHED AND WATERED DOWN. DISRESPECT IS HARBORED TO THE TIE IF IT IS ONLY WORN "AT TIMES". You aren't doing yourself any favors if you water-down wearing a tie if you only do it sometimes as it requires total commitment to enjoy it properly. It is a nice feeling to know that when you put your tie on, it will be on for 16 hours that day, EVERY day. That's how it's meant to be. Casual mode is not only incompatible with smart mode but it totally erodes it. The compromise will ruin what Smart Mode is meant to be, for you. Then there's no point. 
In the song "Nothing's gonna change my love for you" men can sing it to their shirt and tie that they are wearing! You don't have to sing it to a person necessarily. "Hold me now (Tie), Touch me now (Shirt)" ... you get the idea!
This is not weird, it is merely men loving discipline and discipline from enjoying wearing a shirt and tie. Which men can do.
Now imagine singing this song to your shirt and tie which gives you smartness and discipline!:-
(this recording is of a teenage boy singing, as we all know all teenage boys are renowned for wearing shirts and ties as part of their school uniform.)

! ! !
If you choose to live in Smart Mode, from now on life will present itself to you with many new decisions and choices to make. But only take on the challenges that you will succeed at and will reward you:-

2 Mode Men? There are so many such men these days.
Why should men and teenage boys bother consider always wearing a shirt and tie? (Why am I making it such a big deal?)
1) Wearing a shirt and tie looks good on males and feels good. It makes men look smart, which men like.
2)It stimulates the male body and body chemistry and male chemical secretions, allowing you to enjoy your sexuality more.
3) It provides discipline which makes you feel healthy and good and puts you on a higher plane. This makes you more mature, by cooperating with it.
4) It releases you from bondages and addictions if you embrace the discipline wearing it provides, and the resolve to make choices. Part of being a man and male.
5) It internalises what is important in being male - looking smart and enjoying being continually disciplined by wearing it with the right attitude.
6) It purges out your derogatory nature and spent-male-chemicals in your body.

These benefits to a male CANNOT be obtained properly without wearing a shirt and tie. Men who don't are missing out.
The cost: It will feel uncomfortable and unnatural at times and your mind will tell you it seems inappropriate. This has to be overcome. It requires commitment and a change of priorities regarding lifestyle.
Project Score: Only 10/10
 possible if a man chooses EXCLUSIVELY Shirt and Tie Mode (Smart Mode), (including consciously focusing on it all the time;) but it doesn't stop there: and he makes the correct and best choices for his life after that, as a result.
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